Home insurance changes to cover FAQs

Home Insurance - Making Changes
How do I add or remove accidental damage cover?
To get a quote to make this change, please log in to your online account and click ‘My Home’:
- Select ‘Edit’ under the ‘Need to change your cover?’ section
- Enter the start date of the change
- You can amend either your Buildings or Contents cover on this page
- Update the relevant boxes with your change, then click ‘Continue’ to see your price
- Click ‘Continue’ to then accept and pay for your change or ‘Save’ to save your quote and return to your homepage.
You can log in to your online account here: https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
How do I remove buildings or contents cover?
To get a quote to make this change, please log in to your online account and click ‘My Home’:
- Select ‘Edit’ under the ‘Need to change your cover?’ section
- Enter the start date of the change
- You can amend either your Buildings or Contents (all contents optional covers will also be removed, e.g. specified items or personal belongings away from home) cover on this page
- Update the relevant boxes with your change, then click ‘Continue’ to see your price
- Click ‘Continue’ to then accept and pay for your change, or ‘Save’ to save your quote and return to your homepage.
You can log in to your online account here: https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
How do I change my address?
To get a quote to change your address, please follow the below steps:
- Click on ‘Policy details’
- Click ‘Your details’
- Click ‘Edit’ next to address
- Enter the new address and click ‘Save’.
Please click the link below to log in to your online account. You will also be able to create an account here if you don't have one.
You can log in to your online account here: https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
How do I change my occupation?
To change your occupation, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to your online account
- Click on 'Policy details'
- Select 'Edit' next to the details you want to change
- Click 'Save' when you are happy with the information you have entered
- A box will then pop up for you to confirm the change
- Once you click 'Confirm', a box will pop up confirming the change has taken place.
Please click the link below to log in to your online account. You will also be able to create an account here if you don't have one.
You can log in to your online account here: https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
How do I change my password?
To change your password, please log in to your online account and follow the steps below:
- Select ‘My account details’
- The ‘Change password’ section should show at the top. This will allow you to enter your current password and then enter a new password
- Click ‘Save’ to complete your change
- You will then receive an email to confirm your password has been updated.
If you have forgotten your password, this can be reset here: https://my.ageas.co.uk/forgot_password
You can log in to your online account here: https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
How do I update my contact information?
To change your contact details, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to your online account
- Under ‘Your details’ you can see what personal details we have listed for you
- To amend these, select ‘Edit my email address’ or ‘Edit my phone number’
- Once you are happy with your changes, select ‘Save’
- You will see a box appear to confirm your changes have been made.
You can log in to your online account here: https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
How do I change my name, title or marital status?
To change your personal details, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to your online account
- Click on ‘Policy details’
- Select ‘Edit’ next to the details you want to change
- Click ‘Save’ when you are happy with the information you have entered
- A box will pop up for you to confirm the change
- Once you click ‘Confirm’, another box will pop up confirming the change has taken place.
Please click the link below to log in to your online account. You will also be able to create an account here if you don't have one.
You can log in to your online account here: https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
Do you charge a fee if I want to change my policy?
Yes, there is a £20 admin fee to make changes to your policy by phone or live chat. However, you will not have to pay if you make the change via your online account.
You can log in to your online account here: https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
Changes you can’t yet make via your online account:
- Changes in the renewal period
- Changes before the policy starts
- Changes with an open claim
- Add or remove building works information
- Change the policy holder
- Add a joint policy holder
- Amend your occupancy status
- Amend the number of bedrooms or bathrooms
- Amend your property's listed status
- Add a specified item
- Amend the sum insured
- Amend personal belongings cover away from home
- Amend your bicycle cover
- Amend high risk items cover in the home
- Add or remove optional extras
- Add or remove a financial interest (e.g. your mortgage provider)
Please speak to a member of our Live Chat team via our Virtual Assistant or call us. Lines are open 8.30am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am - 4.00pm on Saturdays. Please note that there is no admin fee when you make a change that isn’t possible online over the phone.
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Bought your policy through a broker, partner or intermediary? Broker help.